MSI Services & Training: Spindle Rebuild

Option #1: Build up of the Shaft

We take the spindle shaft only, precision grind the critical areas, bearing surfaces, pulley surface, cutterhead surface and outboard bearing surface. Then re-build these areas up with chrome. The spindle is then precision ground on all critical surfaces to provide a long life assembly. Machine and chrome

Estimated Labor charge per spindle: $700.00


Option #2: Bearing Replacement

We offer a simple rebuild where the bearings are correctly replaced and all components checked for wear and replaced as required.

Estimated Labor charge per spindle $250.00 + bearings + any parts needed.

Option #3: Major Spindle Rebuild

Includes both options 1 & 2 to provide for a completely reconditioned spindle shaft, bearing and other parts as needed.

Estimated Labor charge for complete spindle rebuild: $950.00 + bearings + any parts needed.

Contact MSI Sales Dept.

Please contact an MSI Sales associate to determine the best option for your spindle servicing, how to arrange for shipment, and estimated turnaround time.

