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MSI Grinding Wheel - Magic Ceramic
MSI Magic Ceramic - Roughing 54 Grit
The consistency of our Magic Ceramic grinding wheels is the key to a superior tool finish.
Our Price: $39.99

Availability:: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days
Product Code: TC-10001

Product Description Safety Data/Technical Specs
MSI Magic Ceramic grinding wheels have been technician tested and approved. This wheel's ability to remove metal with reduced heat build-up gives it a major advantage over other ceramic wheels. Works great to give you a superior finish on a full range of tool steels.
How to Use This Product
This ceramic blended grinding wheel has been proven for over 15 years as one of the best roughing wheels available. You can grind very aggressively with this wheel. I recommend that you run your rpm around 2200-2400rpm when the wheel is new and increase the speed as needed when using the wheel. Do not exceed the maximum rpm on the wheel. As this wheel is used it may glaze slightly. If this occurs the wheel will not grind as well and feels like it is dragging. If this happens use a C24R dressing stick to open the wheel. The C24R is used by gently re-radius the face of the wheel with it running. Do not put any side pressure on the wheel just on the diameter. Do not dress this wheel below 3mm wide.

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